Thursday, July 31, 2008

Rain, Rain, Rain...stay for awhile.

It is raining out side and I love it. You never know how much you miss something until it has been gone for awhile. All the side walk chalk is being washed away, making space for more artwork to be created. I love the sound of raindrops hitting the window and I feel worm and snug under my couch throw. I could not ask for a better day. Yup, this makes up for the day I had yesterday. It is raining and I love it.
Mmmmm, I need more tea.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Baby Blues

What a day today….

I woke up with a sore, stuff nick and I have a constant headache as a result. And boy, I feel like that I could use a few more hours of sleep. The sun is out and I am missing out on a spectacular day.

My husband had put our 2 year old to bed in only her diaper and during the night the poor thing had caught a chill. I wrapped her up in one of her favorite blankets’ and we watched some T.V. together. (I Love Lucy) When I thought she was ready, I put her back to bed; in pajama’s of course, and not even 10 minutes later she was up screaming. This continued until 4 o’clock in the morning. By this time, she found her way into my bedroom, commandeering my side of the bed and leaving me to sleep on our old lumpy couch. The things mothers do for their children.

I am truly, hoping that my little bundle of joy is going to show signs of wanting to have a nap some time soon, before I bite the bullet and have an energy drink.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Camping, Camping, Camping

We just came back yesterday from our first camping trip this summer, and my family had a blast!!! With careful planning we did not forget that much stuff, however, I did forget knives, my daughter’s running shoes, and extra t-shirts for my son. (I didn’t expect him to jump into the ocean.) Other then those few things, we were on top of our camping list.

We went to a campground a 25 minutes North from Sooke called French Beach. At French Beach it was only $15.00 a night. Not to bad for camping rates. Some places around here a person can pay up to $25.00 a night. This site was large, so we had more then enough room for our gear and lots of space for the 4 of us. And the best part was we were lucky to have a fire. Most of the Island is on a fire ban. The fire was the best part of this camping trip. So we took advantage this and ate lots of wieners and marshmallows.

There is a walking trail to the ocean that we took advantage of too. The walk was only 10 minutes, but it took you to a beach were dogs were aloud to be off the leash, a playground for the kids and open fields to play Soccer, and enough bushes to have a game of Hide-and-Go Seek. It was a great couple of days. I only wish I didn’t forget my camera.

We are going camping again on our next payday and we are going to the Sooke Potholes, a 5 minute drive from our house. We made our reservations a month ago, and were told the camping there is supposed to really good. I will find out. This time I will remember the camera. I can’t wait.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Summer Invasion; GOT TO LOVE IT:-)

It has been almost a week since I made an entry, (not that anyone has been reading), but I have been somewhat busy these past few days. One of the things that summer brings along here in our sleepy little park is the influx of part time children belonging to part time fathers. 3 boys and 1 girl in my sons’ age group (8 – 12 years of age), so as one can imagine, this makes my children very happy and keeps me on my toes.

The one thing that a person needs to keep in mind about my nick of the wood is that my park is in the woods. And for the sake of the children we are on constant Cougar, and Bear watch. We do have a local Bear that we have nick named the Trail Bear, because he lives in somewhere within The Galloping Goose Trail. (Vancouver Island Regional Trail System for Recreation, our back yard!), the children are very mindful that he is around. It is the Cougar’s that we have to keep constant watch over. We had a sighting a two weeks ago at our local watering hole. But from the looks of things this big cat didn’t hang around. A good thing!

So we parents take turns with the kids. For example, the group of kids would have sleepover at one persons’ house, have breakfast at another house, the other house hold would take the kids the river for a swim. And we all take turns. If we parents are very lucky one the older kids will take our little swarm to the river and give us parents a break. However this is once in a blue moon and money is sometimes involved.

It is quite now; all the part time kids have gone home with promises of coming back. I can have nice quite break and prepare for the next invasion part-time kids. With this in mind, My family has decided that we are going to camping.
I just hope that sometime soon I can find time to complete my profile, and add some photo's to my Blog.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Canadian Poop

I was driving to work a couple days ago, when I heard interesting news broadcasted on our local rodeo channel. It was regarding Canadian Poop washing up on American beaches. I was so interested with what the news had to say about this that I had turn up the volume so I could drown out outside noises to hear better.

As it turns out some guy in the San Juan County, Washington, is running for mayor in some town and one of his promises to the people is to clean up the beaches in his area. His plan, if elected, is to press on Victoria, British Columbia, to stop pumping raw sewage into the ocean. This person had claimed to have a photo of Canadian Poop on an American beach.

Now my question is…How does he know that this washed up poop is Canadian? Did it have a Made in Canada stamp imprinted on it? Did come with a note From Canada to America with love? Why in gods name would anyone to take a photo of Poop to begin with!

But for the most part, it is true; Canadians are dirty people as a whole. We do pump raw sewage into the ocean. And we Canadians are slowly trying to stop that. Here in Sooke, we are building, I believe, Vancouver Islands’ first raw sewage treatment plant. It should be up and running in a couple of years. And the good news is to all of you fed up American’s is that there are talks of more treatment plants to come here in the Victoria area. So clap your hands and celebrate. It least I am. It is about time.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I went for a cyber space stroll.....

I decided that I was going to take a stroll through Cyber Space and visit other Bloggers with in my realm, to see what other people are doing with their Blogs. And I must say there are a lot of interesting Blogs to visit. I found Blogs about cooking, travel and believe it or not, people blogging about work. But what I was really looking for was decorating ideas and what could be done with

I guess you can say I was looking for inspiration, and yes, motivation with what I could possibly do with my little space on the Great Wide Web. I did come across some neat ideas, but way out of my computer capabilities. But what really caught my eye was the dedication people were putting into their Blogs. Making a point of making an entry every day regardless of how small it was, and the time and effort they put into making their Internet Home welcoming. WOW!

I know that I would not be able to make an entry every day. And I know that it will take me awhile to make my space interesting for other people to visit. After all I must confess that I need my 8 year old son to show me how to up load photo’s onto the family computer. Yes, I put my head down in shame. I think this will be a great learning experience.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Hello there……

I guess you can call me new to the blog scene. Even though I have tried to start one a few years ago, I never really got into it. So here I go again.

Why am I doing this again, well to put it simply, I am bored and I really, really, really need something to do, so why not. Share my thoughts with the rest of the world

I started thinking about what kind of things I am going to write about, such as short stories, share recipes and stuff like that, but who am I kidding that kind of stuff is boring. So, I am going to write about me.

So the question is….Who is me. Me is kind of complicated. I live in a very, very small town that is spread out called Sooke. Sooke is located on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. To live in Sooke you need a form of transportation called a vehicle. I Kid you not. This is something that I lack at the present moment. (we have one, but my husband has it for work) What about a Bike, you say! I have one, but it does not cut it, at least here in Sooke.

I am Thirty something and I have a couple children, a husband, a dog and some fish. My children are cute and adorable. My Husband can be an ASS at times, but I love him anyways. The family Dog loves new people and there socks, (don’t ask) and my fish are the best pets ever, they don’t make noise.

Yep, I do have a job. I work in a grocery store in Langford; 25 minute drive from Sooke.

I live in a Mobile home, in a Mobile home park, that I share with 24 other families. Some of my neighbors I like, other neighbors not so much and the rest I simply ignore. Life in this park as whole can be very interesting. My neighbors at times can be very interesting people in there own right.

The best thing about this Park is that we have our own peace of paradise on the Sooke River, our own private beach. The children love to swim there. We also have the galloping Goose trail behind our home, another cool feature about were I live.

Anyways got to go, the children are hungry. And the husband is on his way home.