Hello there……
I guess you can call me new to the blog scene. Even though I have tried to start one a few years ago, I never really got into it. So here I go again.
Why am I doing this again, well to put it simply, I am bored and I really, really, really need something to do, so why not. Share my thoughts with the rest of the world
I started thinking about what kind of things I am going to write about, such as short stories, share recipes and stuff like that, but who am I kidding that kind of stuff is boring. So, I am going to write about me.
So the question is….Who is me. Me is kind of complicated. I live in a very, very small town that is spread out called Sooke. Sooke is located on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. To live in Sooke you need a form of transportation called a vehicle. I Kid you not. This is something that I lack at the present moment. (we have one, but my husband has it for work) What about a Bike, you say! I have one, but it does not cut it, at least here in Sooke.
I am Thirty something and I have a couple children, a husband, a dog and some fish. My children are cute and adorable. My Husband can be an ASS at times, but I love him anyways. The family Dog loves new people and there socks, (don’t ask) and my fish are the best pets ever, they don’t make noise.
Yep, I do have a job. I work in a grocery store in Langford; 25 minute drive from Sooke.
I live in a Mobile home, in a Mobile home park, that I share with 24 other families. Some of my neighbors I like, other neighbors not so much and the rest I simply ignore. Life in this park as whole can be very interesting. My neighbors at times can be very interesting people in there own right.
The best thing about this Park is that we have our own peace of paradise on the Sooke River, our own private beach. The children love to swim there. We also have the galloping Goose trail behind our home, another cool feature about were I live.
Anyways got to go, the children are hungry. And the husband is on his way home.