Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Potty Trainning Blues.......

Now that I have all of this Free Time on my hands I have decided once again to teach my daughter the importance of Peeing in the potty. Today is day two of this challenge, and this time round things are going good. Better now that she has the idea of what to do.

The last time I started to train it didn't work out. I had time against me. It was Spring Break and as soon as I got to day five in my intense potty boot camp (with great results), it was made clear to me that when I was in school and at practicum she would be in the dreaded diaper. I lost all hope. If I was the only one doing the enforcing on the home front and then there was no point in training. I was very afraid of the mixed messages that this would give her.

I have lost friends over my choice to wait until after my course is done. Yes, you read right. I have lost friends. I was shunned and my daughter teased by adults - calling her a baby because she was still in a diaper. (Even after I explained why the training hasn't occurred.) I had my daycare lady tell me that her house was a diaper free house (because she had started to train her child) and had demanded that I do the same with my child. Needless to say my daughter returned to her with diapers. I stood my ground. I was not ready to train. I had no time to work with my daughter. And with great relief, I was so happy that my husband had lost his job for the last four weeks of my practicum.

But it is all over and I have what seems to be all the time in world to teach her how to use the potty. I can now lock my self up in the house for the next couple of weeks and work with my daughter. It really feels like a breath of fresh air has come over me. I am not sure what this feeling is, it just feels like relief from an uncomfortable situation.

Monday, June 29, 2009

It Truely is Monday today

I woke up this morning with the car gone and a cell phone left behind. I remember My other half saying something about needing the car first thing in the morning and being back before I had to leave to go pick up my letter of recommendation and my certificate from my last instructor for the course that I have just finished. The time 1500 hrs and still no sign of my car and to my dismay, I had to call my instructor on her cell stating that I cannot make it into town to meet with her to get my paperwork needed for future employment. I will now have to settle pacing in front of the mail box for the next 5 days or so until I have my paperwork in my hot little hands.

This disappearance of my car can mean one of two things: He got a job and starting working on the spot or he got into another car accident and is avoiding coming home. I am hoping for my first assumption and if that is the case then I am going to have to make him something good for supper. (if it happens to be my last assumption then that will be a different story all together!)

As for my course, I am proud to announce that it is all over. My last day was Friday, June 26. I am now a Certified RCA or as some of us in our class like to say " A Certified Professional Bum cleaner." There is nothing glamorous about what I will doing for next little while with my life and from my personal point of view with my profession is that the work is honourable. I have worked hard to make it this far. My Journey into health care is not over, now that I have this certificate more doors have just open to me. This is truely going to be a grand adventure. { added: My other half did get a job today and was not my last assumption. Thank my lucky stars.}

Sunday, June 21, 2009

A death in the family

I know that my last post was still under construction.......I had a lot of pics and videos that I wanted to share with everyone so you all have a better concept of what I will be doing with my life. But there has been a death in the family on my husband's side, not a parent but an older brother. Our phone is turned off, so please don't be offended if we don't pick up our phone , just in case you wanted to congratulate me for my first college deploma...just for the next 42 hours or so.


Saturday, June 20, 2009

I am sore all over!

I am glad that today is a week-end. I am glad that I can give my body a brake and heel my self of my many aches and pains. I am glad that I can give my brain some down time, to slowly digest all the new skills that I have learnt and some time to create my battle plan for next for my next lot of residents.

For my last practicum, the college has me working at a long term care hospital. This is a different set up from where I was for my last two practicum's which were actual nursing homes. The major difference between the two are pretty obvious. The hospital looks like a hospital inside and out. It has Long corridors and and nursing stations in the middle of every section. (Even has that hospital smell!) The residents are in ward rooms, just like in a regular hospital. The big difference that I have found is that my residetns that I have are not old in old sence of the word old. My yongest is 30-40 years old. I beleave that she was acutally 6 years older then I am.

(I will be back - still working on this post)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

6 Days and Counting..........

After reading my last post, I have come to the conclusion that the City of Victoria should of invested tax payers money for the portable toilets. When I was in visiting family in Russia 3 years ago, the city where my in-laws lived had the same problem. It was solved with portable restrooms. You could go to a popular park or an unclosed area behind a shopping mall or something or an other and for 10 rubles you could use the restroom. You would find a person in front of the restroom who was happy to take your money with smile, give you a handful of toilet paper and let you in. And from what I have noticed these little restroom areas were open 24 hours. When I was South Korea I had no problem finding public restrooms - but then I was a tourist. And was only in the country for 4 days.

On to other things here.....

For my family members out there......I have 6 days until my course is done. *Smiley face* I receive my Cirtifacate with my registration info for my new found profession on Monday. Next week I am working evening shifts at a long term hospital
in downtown, and this will be the last of my clinical hours. Last week of June I start to look for work and from the looks of things there id oodles of work out there for me........

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Of all the things that I could do....Here I am.

Today is Sunday, and a lazy one at that. I almost have the whole house to my self. One kid gone with a friend to a lake for boating and tubing. My real big kid (my husband) is off playing with wood, nails and hammers building a deck and my younger one is happily watching a Sponge Bob on t.v. and eating hot dogs (that is where she will be for the next 45 minutes or so.) So it seems that I have some semi-alone time. And of all the things that I could be doing with my semi-alone time - lets say I could be having a bath, or I could be a good wife/mother and clean house or out side poking at my plants; here I am typing about pretty well about nothing. Oh wait, can't say that because I do have something to Blog about.


In my younger years I loved to go out to the clubs. I would dance and drink and after the bars would close I would go to the closest food joint and have something to eat and then find a cab to take me home. But between the club and that fast food joint, I would need to pee. And after eating and before looking for that cab, I would need to pee. So why didn't I use the bathroom in the bar and at the food place? You see, I did, but one must understand that what goes in must come out. And if you drink allot and then allot is going to come out, and to be honest with you, when there is an urge, you must heed nature's calling. I would find closest semi - private alleyway and go behind a dumpster and well, do my thing. But it seems that I was not alone in the duck and pee mission, their a lot more others doing the same thing. And when the sun rose the next day, the city of Victoria was smelling like an urinal. Yes, the city had a pee-pee problem.

I no longer live in the proximity of Victoria, so I don't go to the clubs anymore (I take my chances here in Sooke and go to the closest tree. We have lots of those and I am sure the trees don't mind.) So when I heard about the city heavily considering Portable Urinals that would be put out during the night, well I was pretty happy. Then it hit me, and hit me hard. What are us women going to use as we stagger on the streets while looking for that bite to eat or that cab home. We pee as much as men do, don't we? So why is just urinals and why not the hole damn toilet? And who was going to flip the bill for the urinals. Why should a female tax payer pay for something that we would not be able to use? Right? I am so peeved.

I have just read in the paper that the "PORTABLE URINALS" are working and the city is know thinking about permanent structures in the downtown core. The city no longer smells like a Porta-Potty the next dayandthe cost per "man" peeing in the urinal works out the same cost as buying a drink. Or so the city claims. But we still have a problem of the lady's in their tiny black dresses ducking and peeing in the alleyway behind the dumpster. What is the city going to do for you? Well Girls....Pee long and pee hard. Go in two's and three's, hell why not, go in groups of ten or more. Squat and and do your thing. We deserve something to pee in to, don't we?

There you have it, my thoughts on the portable urnials for Victoria. What a Crock.

Friday, June 5, 2009

A Crazy Idea........

Times are hard. Period. Work is scarce if you are a construction worker. Food stuff is going up in price, and our dollar is almost at parody with the American dollar. So yes, these are hard times and in one way or another we are feeling effects of this rescission. So I guess it seems how we make it out at the end is what counts. Some of us will loose our homes, some of us will take advantage our extremely low interest rates and buy homes and others (a few) will never know that we were ever in a rescission. (Is that what we are still calling it?)

But we all have to make money one way or another. Today, My other half came up with a crazy idea. And it may just put a few bucks in our pockets. HE IS GOING TO PLAY THE KEYBOARD ON THE STREETS OF VICTORIA ON MARKET DAYS ON THE WATER FRONT. You read right! He is going to buy a permit and put all of that musical training and talent to use and make some money with it. So it will be interesting to see what happens with this little crazy idea........It won't bring much money but it will help.

(And just to think I was all doom and gloom this morning,duh)

Would we have to move?

When I was a small child I remember moving across the country, twice. From British Columbia to Ontario and then Back again. Once back in British Columbia it was moving to 3 different small towns in a period of 3 years (if my memory is correct). But before I was born I had heard talk through my older siblings that my parents where always moving, never ones to stay in the same spot for very long.

Could this be because they were looking for the work hot spots? Could it be that they became bored and needed change? Could it be because of Recessions? What other factors were involved? I really can't say, but I do believe the huge moves were Recession related. I don't really remember the 80's and the 90's - to busy being a kid, but here I am thinking about the realization that my family may have to move. We just had bad news today that is work related with my husband - the company that he was working for had just lost a huge contract. If that contract came through it would of meant that he would of been working again. But now as it seems, more good people will now be laid off.

This will be a month of uncertainty for us. I know that after I am done my course in 3 weeks I to will have to look for work, I know I will find a job in no time because my new skills are in high demand, but I would be starting casual and I would have to work my way up the ladder before I am in the door with permanent days and hours with what ever company that will take me. But would that be enough? I am really not sure not so sure anymore. It is almost like I had took my course one year to late.

I don't mean to put a damper on anyones day by bringing up the horrible "R" word. But this is where my thoughts are at the moment. Maybe I am in a small state of panic and things are only looking bleak right now in this moment. Maybe at the end of the day this thought of mine will disappear and go to the place where all bad thoughts go - never to be thought of again. (That would be nice.)

Bye - Bye Horrible thought!!!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Is Summer Here Yet?

O.K - Summer is here, I get it...

I am not one for the hot weather but here it is "weather" I like it or not.
The down fall of hot weather is as follow's:

1. I have to shave

I would rather keep my winter coat

2. I now have a womenly abligation to have a suntan or burn, whatever comes first

Can't blind peope with my very white legs

3. Must spend money that I don't have for electricity to keep my fans going

Thank-you B.C Hydro for your new system

4. The kids are going to want to go to the river or water park

I am toooooo tired on the weekdays to make thier water dreams come true

5. I now must go shopping for freezies and suntan lotion (and sunburn remendies)

More money to spend

6. Muggy nights

Makes me a cranky person

I'm to hot to think of anything else.

Yup, Summer is here

Monday, June 1, 2009

The Celestail Discharge.....My first one.....

I hope I got the spelling right...with "Celestial." But what I am saying is that today I had a resident die. A good death, A long life, a happy ending. Last week she was put on palliative care and was estimated that she would live for a week. That was last Wednesday. She had past on an hour before my shift started and I am sorry that I never got the chance to meet or care for her. From what I was told, she was very funny. But life must go on. I have many thoughts right now, but as a student in this field - this is an emotional hazard that I must over come. That is all I have to say right now.........