Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Last night after the husband and the children went to bed, I found some good MOMMY time alone to do some surfing on the Web. And I have come to the conclusion that I may be becoming addicted to BLOGS. Yup, you heard me, I am a BLOG ADDICT. For the past week or so, I have been searching the web for BLOGS to read. And I have come across a few that I like. So I am going to case them out before I add them to my BLOG ROLL just make sure that this stranger has the same interest as I do.

So what am I looking for in a BLOG?

A) Must have children to talk about (The four legged kind will do to)
B) Must have something interesting write about
C) I don’t what to read anything regarding other people peeing, puking or crapping themselves on a night out. I am just way too old for that now.
D) I am not into nudity, racial slurs or anything in this nature.

Is this to much ask for? I don’t think so. So the other thing that I was wondering about is this. What are the appropriate steps of adding one to ones own BLOG ROLL? Do I give them a comment that I am going to do so and ask them to look at my BLOG to make sure that we are a match? OMG!!! What if they don’t like me!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey J.M. aka Jewels,

All a Blog Roll is is just you linking to another website that you really like. Nothing more. Simply, if you go there frequently, then it deserves a link from your blog.

Commonly, if someone links to you then you should link them back. This is how on-line communities are built.

I'm not sure about your site--because you may not have access to AW-Stats or your Hosting-Stats, but you can see who is linking to you. In Word-Press, I can see the links to my site through the dashboard feature in my Admin page.

You find a blog you like--blogroll them. You can always take them off if they no longer fit your criteria of a good Blog. :)

Anonymous said...

It Can Be Quick To Become Hooked On A Subject , Or Substance. So Said Superturtle

JM said...

Super Turtles great words of wisdom; has spoken again.....

JM said...

I am not sure if I am able to find out if other people have blog rolled me or not. I should look into that.