I would like to take this time to say that my blog will not always be about ‘he said this’ or ‘she did that’ when comes to the people who live in my neighborhood. Hay, when you live in the middle of nowhere with 24 other families, it is sure bond to happen. But I must say it sure felt good venting about it! Just a small up-date with that situation, nothing changed.
Anyways, I have some good things going on with my life that I am very happy about and would love share. First off, I am no longer working at the grocery store in Langford. Yup, I am now unemployed. Second of all, I start school in two weeks! Thirdly, I have one month to come up with my tuition costs. And last but not least, I have friend, who has a friend, who works in a group home working with the mentally challenged, who can get me a job on an on call bases until my course is done. How exiting is that. But this is not what I want to talk about, all of that is for another time.
What I'am really, really excited about is that my house hold had said Up-yours to the Evil BC Hydro Man. Now we are not going to stop paying our hydro bill because it is way too high - we did so much better then that. We installed a wood burning stove! Yup that’s right, a nice beautiful money saving, heat generating, wood burning machine. The Hydro Mans worst enemy!
What lead up to this wood burning craziness one might ask? First off , I would like to thank the BC provincial government who 10 years ago had the wonderful idea of freezing hydro cost. Let’s forget about the possibility that our population in this province will grow in the next decade and let’s forget that our hydro infrastructure will age in the years to come. And all it took was a massive black out in the great city of Vancouver (our provinces largest city) that took our government out of its sleepy loll and woke it up to the fact that all is not good and look what happened, a serous black out caused by ageing wires that could have, should have been replaced by BC Hydro, but didn’t because there was no money to be had.
So now to fix our ageing hydro infrastructure BC hydro had introduced a new 2 tier billing system starting October 1, of this year. Now I am not sure how it will work, all I know is this - If you live in an apartment building your are safe from the Money Hungry Hydro Company and if you live in a stand alone house, no matter how old it will be, your wallet in your pocket is open to the Evil Hydro Man, who really, desperately wants your money. So up-yours BC Hydro – come and try to take my money! Say hello to my wood burning stove!!!!
Anyways, I have some good things going on with my life that I am very happy about and would love share. First off, I am no longer working at the grocery store in Langford. Yup, I am now unemployed. Second of all, I start school in two weeks! Thirdly, I have one month to come up with my tuition costs. And last but not least, I have friend, who has a friend, who works in a group home working with the mentally challenged, who can get me a job on an on call bases until my course is done. How exiting is that. But this is not what I want to talk about, all of that is for another time.
What I'am really, really excited about is that my house hold had said Up-yours to the Evil BC Hydro Man. Now we are not going to stop paying our hydro bill because it is way too high - we did so much better then that. We installed a wood burning stove! Yup that’s right, a nice beautiful money saving, heat generating, wood burning machine. The Hydro Mans worst enemy!
What lead up to this wood burning craziness one might ask? First off , I would like to thank the BC provincial government who 10 years ago had the wonderful idea of freezing hydro cost. Let’s forget about the possibility that our population in this province will grow in the next decade and let’s forget that our hydro infrastructure will age in the years to come. And all it took was a massive black out in the great city of Vancouver (our provinces largest city) that took our government out of its sleepy loll and woke it up to the fact that all is not good and look what happened, a serous black out caused by ageing wires that could have, should have been replaced by BC Hydro, but didn’t because there was no money to be had.
So now to fix our ageing hydro infrastructure BC hydro had introduced a new 2 tier billing system starting October 1, of this year. Now I am not sure how it will work, all I know is this - If you live in an apartment building your are safe from the Money Hungry Hydro Company and if you live in a stand alone house, no matter how old it will be, your wallet in your pocket is open to the Evil Hydro Man, who really, desperately wants your money. So up-yours BC Hydro – come and try to take my money! Say hello to my wood burning stove!!!!
Superturtle Say's It Would Depend On What Color The Carpet Is . The Attack Rabbit Will Come As Long As He Does Not Have To Chop Wood , Watch Nemo.
Don't worry, the attack rabbit won't have to watch Nemo all the time, but he would have to watch The Little Mermaid at least twice a day. He won't have to chop wood, but he would be required to bring it in from out side. Hummmm, Better be a Big Rabbit, We have Big Cats around here.
Way to go! Your wood burning stove saves money, but is really bad for air quality. You should be proud.
your right about the air quality, we plan on only using it when we have to, like when our house temp reaches below 67 degrees. But I rather spend 325.00 on two cords of wood for the winter, then 500.00plus in hydro cost. Next winter we will be cutting our own wood and that would only cost 10.00 for the
permit and 20.00 in gas to get to were the wood is. So ya, a wood stove will save alot of money.
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