Monday, November 9, 2009

I am busy....

I am busy. I have a ten day work schedule between my private care home that I work for and with VIHA. Ten days mean 80 hours between both places. My next day off is next Monday. (I am on day four of my ten day working spree!) After my only day off it is seminar on top of seminar at different hospitals in and around Victoria (more like orientations) regarding work safety and Senior health issues. Yup, I am busy. But it is a good busy. I am happy.

Also, I would like to announce that my house hold has decided to become smoke free. Because of health issues regarding a very good and dear friend, my house hold has decided that in support of this very good friend we are going to kick the nicotine habit. Today is day one of really tring not to smoke. I just about caved in to the nicotine monster a couple of times so far today, but I held my ground.

Wish us luck in becoming smoke free.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

And I was about to give up.

Today is a mixed bag of emotions for me with relations to work. And it has to do with the fact that I have never, ever been in this sort of situation before. Now this should be a good thing. I should be excited. I should be celebrating. But How do you tell your first employer - how just offered to take you on full time (40 hours a week with 100% coverage for medical and dental for the whole family) that your dream employer with the better career options just hired

I have been talking to Viha (the dream employer) ever since my I started my first job in my profession. I sent out the resumes at the same time and I took the first job offered to me. But behind the backs of my first employer, that I like working for.... I have been talking to Viha. Talks stopped. Talks resumed. An interview happened. References been checked. And when I think that things have come to a stand still once more with VIHA, my first employer offered me a full time "Night" shift. With all the trimmings. Like one big turkey dinner with all the trimmings. Here is the funny part. When my first employer told my about the opening behind the DOC's back, The "DOC" (director of care) told me that I could not have the position because no one had responded to the offer. I didn't know about the position because the week it was posted, I was unable to work. So protocol needed to followed. The Nursing home had to hire out side of the Causal list and if that person who has been interviewed says "NO" to the job, then the job was mine. Sooooo I did not think to much about the full time postion. It was just a happy thought that one of directors had put the offer out there to me, personally, not knowing that there had already been an interview sit up with an out side person. It was just nice to know that as an employee, I was valued and thought of to be asked if I wanted the position.

Yesterday, I got word that the "out side person" declined the job. Work called and said the job was mine and I could start my new position next Monday. I was soooo excited. it was all I could do not to talk about it so much last night with my family.

Then VIHA called. This Morning. I am Hired says the voice on the other end of the phone. I jumped for joy, I was in all the since of the word "idiot" on the phone when I was asked if there was any reason why I should not have the job. I said and I quote: "I am a....very, very, good person and I am good for the job!"

So here I am at a cross roads with employers. What a scary wonderful feeling. I like where I work know. But with Viha..... A whole bunch of doors just opened. New opportunities. New learning of new skill sets. I get to practice my trade to its full scope. As where I am now. I don't. I am truly excited.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Was It Becuase of the Full Moon?

This entry is dedicated to work. I will not mention names of the residents and fellow co-workers do privacy issues. The Nurse will be called "Nurse", Residents will be called "So and So" (more then one residents are "So's and So's" and the other RCA is "Partner."

Last night started as any shift would. The difference is that this is not the shift that I normally work. This shift was the evening shift. 2:30 - 10:30. I walked to the nurses station, meet up with the day staff and received report. So and So did this, So and So did that and So's and So's are to be showered. So and so had received Adavan do to more then normal combative behavior. But what was really interesting about report that there were a lot of So's and So's that were unusually aggressive. So and So had hit So and So. So and So and another So and So had argued and needed to separated during lunch. A combination for a very interesting shift - and it was.

I found my partner. We agreed on the our sections. She got down stares and I got upstairs. I asked for tips and advice on who I should start first and who should I end with. And off we went. As the hours came and went nothing out of the norm happened. It was all straight for word work. It was after supper that things started to go nuts.

I had my 1/2 hour break and went back to my section. As soon as my foot entered my section I heard the nurse calling. "JM, JM I need your help. You will not believe what So and So just did. She flooded her room!" I run to the room and sure enough there was 3" of water on the floor. the room was flooded. So and So sat on her bed with a smile and said "I was wet." 'No kidding' I thought to my self. 50 towels later the room was dry. The Nurse and I just looked at each other and smiled. Our work was not done with So and So. So and So was wet and needed to be changed. This particular So and So does not liked to be touched. I have a formidable bruise on my arm after the ordeal

After the great flood things went to hell in a hand bag. One So and so refused to do anything. One So and So was in a very playful mood (and this was very strange for this So and So). We played catch with her pillow and danced in the hallway. As I went about my rounds and I found some of my So's and So's in various stages of undress (yes I did get them dressed for the night) And the call bell for my section went off not in ones, but in two's and threes.

It was not long before I had realized that the shift was almost over and I needed my last break. I went out side for fresh air and then I looked up in the night sky. It was a full moon! I smiled to my self and remembered what one of my teachers had said about the full Moon. "If a Full Moon can move our oceans and seas - just think about what the Moon can do to us as were are made of up mostly of water. Think about it, and if you were mentally declining....?" Point taken!!!

After my 15 minutes of quietness - I went back to work. I met my partner and she looked at me and smiled. When you were gone 3 calls went off at the same time in your section. We both smiled. What could we do.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

My Interview went very well!!

Yesterday I had an interview with VIHA. (Vancouver Island Health Authority) and it went well. All have to do is hand in my last reference and I can start my orientation. YUPPIE!!!!!!

There is short story about how I got this interview and it only took six short weeks to get it. Two months ago I handed out 5 resumes. That's right, only 5. 3 resumes I e-mailed out and the other 2 I faxed. I got 3 invites for interviews. My very first interview as a Health care Assistant (We are no longer referred to as Resident Care Aide's) I was hired. My 2nd interview invite I turned down for personal reasons, but my 3rd interview invite I really, really, wanted. It was VIHA.

The Hiring Director and my self played phone tag for a week. And then she just stopped calling and so did I. I did not get my hopes up for working with VIHA, O.K, maybe just a little bit. O.K, maybe a lot. after all it is VIHA.

To make a short story even shorter, I eventually forgot about VIHA. And then out of the blue 2 weeks ago I got a message from the Hiring Director with VIHA. I was so excited. I dropped everything that I was doing. I Gave my kids chocolate to keep them quite so I could sit on the phone and go through one phone directory after another trying to locate this very, very important lady. After 10 minutes I found her. Oh she was so apologetic about not being able to meet with me and that it took so long for her to return my message. And then she said that she had to go and would call me back next week. Oh, my heart fell on the floor. I was stunned. I really didn't think that she would call me back. After all it had happened before. But she did call me back this time and we did sit up the interview and the interview did happen. And it went very well.

I am a little nervous about having two jobs. I will not be able to start work with VIHA until the end of October. My first job has booked me solid for the next 3 weeks. I don't mind, it is good for my wallet and I am getting the hours. But VIHA would be sooooooo much better for the my wallet. I would be making 6 dollars more then what I am getting now.

Friday, October 2, 2009

October is here....and so is fall

It has been pretty well one month since my last post and I am not sure were to start. For the past month I have been busy being a mom, not just any kind of mom, but a working mom. And I stress the working mom because being a working mom is very new to me. And looking back in the short years of being just a mom it had dawned on me how I had took for granted the luxury of being at home and not working.

Now that I am working and looking after my family...All I can say is that I am happy. I am starting to get my own income. It will never be as much as my other half, but it is my own. I think what I am feeling here is "liberation."

My daughter is in daycare for four days a week. Being that I am on call at the long term care facility 24 hour day, 365 days a year and that is including all holidays, I have decided that Monday will be my only day off in during the week.

Back to my daughter. She is loving daycare. She is so excited about it that she refers to daycare as school. She has her own little back sack that she call "rescue pack" (To much Dora the Explorer and Diego) and she is full of stories about her day. My son who is now in grade 5 is and doing good. He loves taking the school bus. Mostly because that is were he gets his Mp3 time. And he is already starting to get his own music interests. Linken Park seems to be his favorite.

Today, I am a little excited because I have a job interview with the Vancouver Island Health Authority. Being that I am on call atone job site, I will have times that I will go with out work for 5 - 6 days (I am on the bottom of the seniority ladder) Another job being on call would be nice. And to have my foot in the door with the Island's largest health authority for future advancement would make my new career worth wild.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My Birthday

Yesterday was my birthday and like it or not I am another year older. I don't mind. Really. I don't. Being that my Birthday fell on a Monday I didn't celebrate it. Instead I worked on Monday Morning from 0001 to 0630 and came home slept until the early afternoon. I had 5 hours and 1/2 sleep and kept my self awake until 2130. So as you can see my Birthday was a drawn out affair. I was tired and cranky and demanding from my family that all I want for my birthday was that 5 and 1/5 hours of sleep so I can recoup from a night shift and get my days back to normal. And it worked. Today I am not so cranky and not so tired and I got up a decent hour in the early morning. Yahoo. (Just to be called into work too work another night shift tonight. Tonight I work by my self and get a full 8 hours!)

But my family was sweet about my Birthday. My husband gave me 24 Red Roses and bragged about having to drive out his way to Costco to buy them. My son gave me the 5 and 1/2 hours sleep so he was off the hook for making me a card. My daughter and the babysitter baked me a Black Barry pie (all the Barries hand piked with loving care and turned into a master piece) I haven't tried it yet, but I am sure it is good.

Now, as for my other family members out there and you know who you are. I got 3 bottles of home made wine - yummy. (I can't wait to have a bottle Friday night) I got tealite holder's (perfect for the many power outages that are destand to happen this winter) An inflatable Tolit as a Joke for a post I did awhile ago regarding the city of Victoria "potty problem." All and all it was a good Birthday.

Maybe this Friday I will get a babysitter and bring the "potty" with me to local watering hole and use it as a chair for laughs - that would be fun)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I heard of places like this.......

Last night was my first night being paid as a RCA (Resident Care Aid). However, I can see some problems with this job. My Pay. The average pay of a Certified RCA should fall in the 19.00 - 21.00 catogory. I have heard of some places where the RCA's make more then LPN's wich is over 25.00 an hour. I have also heard of places where RCA's make much less. I found a care home that pays well below the average.

But thier are some pro's and con's here. The more money you make, the more skill sets you need to perform. The less money you make certian skill sets are left to the nurses. At this care home I don't perform bowel care and I don't perform urinery care. I provide just provide the basic care that, really anyone can do.

So do I see my self at this place for long peroid of time. No. But I will use this place as a stepping stone to build my resume. I can see my self being here for four months. So yes I will be sending out an other batch of resume's soon. Maybe next week.

Monday, August 24, 2009

This is just crazy....

I have already found a job. I am not sure if it will be part time or casual. I just got a phone call to come in for an interview at another care home.

The crazy thing is I only sent out 5 resume's Two weeks ago! I have had 3 invites for interviews. One landed me a job, the other I turned down because the hospital was to far out of my driving range. And this invite just happened not even 5 minutes ago and it is with one of the care homes that I have done a praticum with.


As promissed

It is done. I have a job and I start tomorrow. I don't know how much I will be making and I don't know for sure if I have the part time position that is open. I am hoping for at least 19.00 - 21.00 an hour, heck, I don't know what union I will be under. After I finish my orientation I will find out all of the above. All I know is that this job is important because I am right know building up my resume.

Soooooo Orientation is like this. 2 evening shifts. 2 day shifts. And night shift. After all care is 24/7, 365 days a year. Being that I am a newbie in this line of work. I am sure I will inherit the worst shifts. So that is that. Now all I have do is work out day care that I am hoping will start next week. (Yes....I am now scrambleing day care for this week - yikes!)

It is going to be an interesting week.


(I work night shift on MY be day b-day - yuck)

Friday, August 21, 2009

Last week of Summer.

Summer is slowly coming to an end. The days are shorter, the ambiance of the sun no longer feels like a summer sun, but more of an autumn sun and some of the trees are trying change colour. My Shasta daisy’s are done flowering and have already dropped their seeds and my Snow peas are no longer eatable because they are now producing seeds of their own. But I am happy to say that my Petunia’s are still going strong and the same with my other perennials that I still have not identified - they came with the lot that we rent.

Walmart, Costco and other department stores are overflowing with back to school necessities marking that anticipated time of the year is coming soon when the children go back to school. It is time to dig deep in my wallet and pull out a hundred in school supplies and dig even deeper for an additional hundred and fifty for school bus transportation. It is hard to believe that last year this service was for only Sixty dollars and this year the cost of a seat on the school bus has gone up so much. Yikes.

I remember when I was a child I secretly learned to hate my birthday - End of August - because it meant summer was over and it was back to school. And now I don’t like my birthday because it means that I am another year older. I am glad that retirement is no longer mandatory in Canada.

It is time to think about gathering firewood for the wood stove, to think about storing our summer paraphernalia and dig out the warm slippers and decorate my sofas with my warm synthetic blankets. Time to get back to my family post summer schedule; can’t wait.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Today is Interview Day.......

Here I am. My house is quiet because the kids are still sleeping. Makes me wonder why I had started sleeping in with them. I forgot how peaceful it is to have a shower with out someone needing something. It is so nice.

Anyways, I am slowly getting ready for my interview today at 11.00 a.m. with a cute little Care Home downtown Victoria. I have all the documents that I need all lined up. They are my TB test results (Tuberculosis), My Criminal Record Check, My Basic First Aid Certificate. My Graduate Reference letter from my last teacher, the only thing missing is my actual RCA Certificate. The College won’t give it up until they see the rest of my tuition. This is really quite fair because I was told that this would happen at the very beginning of the course 11 months ago when I decided not to take a student loan and go with a payment plan with the college. The tuition would have been paid in full by now if it wasn’t for the dame recession.

On a bright note, I have been invited for an interview VIHA, (The Island Health Authority). All I have to do is arrange the time…………


I just got back from the interview and I think it went well. This was not the typical interview where you sit in front of someone’s desk and you converse back and forth. This interview was rather fun. It was a group interview between 7 hopefuls and 3 heads of staff. (Head RCA, Head Dietitian and the Director of the Care Home.) The interview lasted 30 minutes. We all were asked 12 questions by Director and after the questions were given, we were then asked one by one at random order our individual response to the questions. One question - What is the first thing you do in the morning to start your day. Another question was to follow instructions in drawing a small diagram and then tell what you see. And then there were the more serious questions regarding confect resolution and how you would deal with it.

At the end of the interview it was explained to us as a group the reason for doing the interview this way was to see how we interacted with each other. To see who would lend an extra pen out, who was more vocal, extra, extra, and extra. I liked it.

I will find out if I get a job next week. They have one more group coming in at 2:00 to day.

See we will see.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I almost got excited.

Just I was about to type this post, Blogger announced that this post would be my 100. Would this be a mile stone with my Blogging past time, I would like to think so. I tallied up the numbers and something didn’t compute. I went through my post organizer and found that Blogger had counted the Drafts that I made over the months as entries. So really I only have 92 posts all together. Darn. I almost got excited. I so close to number 100.

But it got me thinking about why started this Blog. It started because I was bored. I had this idea in my head that my Blog would be out of this world. I would have photo’s of the things that I found neat and exciting. I would have a funky template that would be exciting and loved by all. I would have a million visitors. My visitors would love my quick wit and humor. I have been some what delusional. In reality, I have a hard time finding the time to make an entry. I just picked the simplest blog template available out the choices that we Blogger’s have. Plugging a camera in to the computer is really beyond my capabilities. I need my 9 year son to help me. And usually after I am done spending 45 minutes or so collecting my thoughts and typing, revising my thoughts, spell check and then posting. My house is up side down and the children are fighting. (This is going on as I type right now. I have my 3 year old yelling/crying in my ear about yogurt and her brother is saying…..what ever)

I don’t regret starting my Blog. It keeps me connected to family. I do somewhat get excited when I see someone from Washington or somewhere else visiting my Blog.

My children are unusually quite. Got to go.

Friday, August 14, 2009

OMG!!!!! I have a job interview!!!!!

With what little résumé’s I had faxed out and e-mailed last week and the one only this week, I have a job interview. Well, I still need to call back and arrange a time to go in for the interview – nevertheless, I have a job interview.

I am I nervous about this. Oh god yah. This will be my first “real” interview in 7 – 8 years for a career that I want and worked hard to earn in college. I have butterflies in my tummy. I am worried about what I am going to wear. I know sometimes when I am nervous my tongue forgets to work. Other words I stutter. I am excited about pulling out my old scrubs and more importantly talking my husband into letting me buy new ones. (There are some very cute scrubs out there. Some of them remind me of Christmas wrapping paper. Go into any hospital and just take a look at what the Nurses have on for work clothes. You will see what I mean!)

Well, I should go and have another cup of coffee and get my nerve up and arrange that interview!

Hummmm I wonder if Blogger still has the count down Widjet?


Found my nerve, interview arranged for next Wed. @ 11.00.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Meteor Shower

WOW! What a show Tuesday night.

Tuesday night was just what the doctor ordered. For those of you who didn’t know, just like I didn’t know, was the peak of the Perseid Meteor Shower. This particular Meteor Shower is an annual shower that takes place every August around this time.

I was outside having my last cigarette for the night before getting ready to go to bed when I looked up in the sky and seen a Meteor. It was so bright that when it fell behind the tree line, it illuminated the trees. Thinking to my self, “Wow, a person does not see that very often,” another Meteor appeared in the sky. I decided that there must be something to this (not very often you see two Meteors in a row). So I logged onto the internet and sure enough…………..

I quickly went to my son’s room, forget my other family members, woke him up and told him that we are going to watch a Meteor Shower. He looked at me and said “What’s that?” He got dressed and we went out onto the patio together. He just kind of stared out into the darkness and said “I don’t see a Meteor Shower.” I just looked at him and laughed. I told him that it was not like a rain shower and that he needed to look up into the stars and just wait, a meteor will appear. Sure enough he seen one go by. He didn’t look all that impressed and said “I just seen a shooting star and I made my wish, I am going to bed.” With a smile on my face, I told him that was a meteor and he was going to see more. His face had the biggest smile and we got our blankets and we stayed out side for almost two hours watching the show. I figure that we had seen at least one meteor every 10 to 5 minutes

We had one of my sons friends have a sleep over/ Meteor shower party last night. After I got my little one to bed, I took the boy’s out to a quiet area and watch the meteors. They had lots fun with the flash lights and being side in the dark at midnight. We had seen lots of meteors but as not spectacular as the night before. Still we had lots fun.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Communication....what a powerful thing

This entry is more for me then anything else. Last week was a horrible week. Things had happened to people that are to private to talk about. So those things I won't talk about. But what I will talk about is the powerful thing we call Communication. What is Communication? How communication was explained to me from a learning point of view is this. There is a A Sender, A Reciever and A Message. There is a Context and then the Environment of where communication took place. The Context referes to the situation at the time of the communication taking place and the Environment refers to where the the communication was taking place. One other thing to take into consideration is the feedback from the Recivier to the Sender of the communication. Now the message can be anything from from two people talking about the good time they had other day over beers going over the highlights of the day. Or the communication can be in the form of Gossiping or Slander - a part of Defamation: any statement about another person that is untrue and that causes or is designed to cause an injury to the persons good name. Libel/Slander fall under Defamation. Libel is the printed form of communication by means of print, writing or pictures. Slander is the cummunication spoken by word.

Now for typing the above, there is a quote from Martin Luther King that comes to mind.

"People don't get along because they fear each other. People fear each other because they don't know each other. They Don't know each other because they have not properly communicatied with each other."

Is he saying the the lack of communication is the problem? I think so.

Know it would be hard to beleave that communication has prisciples. But it does and they are very simple.

1. It is truley impossible not to comunicate. 10% of our communication is only spoken. The other 90% is our body language and tone of vioce.

2. It is meant to happen or totally unexpected. Sometimes our words are spoken with care and other times we had lost our tempers and said words that came out wrong or wished you never said.

3. It is irreversible. No matter what had happen with our communcation we can never take back the words or the deeds that have been done.

4. It is unrepeatable. The "Same" words and "Behavior" are different each time. No communication can be repeated the same way twice. Our body langage, our tone of vioce, the context and the envornment and the message are a very uniqe thing.

Communication is a very powerful thing. We can do a lot harm or we can do a lot of good with it. There are Two more elements to communication and they are the Barriers or Communicaiton Blockers and Perseptions. But I will not get into those.

Like I said, this entry is more for me then anyone else. At the end of the day it is a matter of "owning our communication and every thing that came with it."

Know I feel better.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Going Camping...Again....





Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What a Crazy Couple of Weeks.........

My woes started two weeks ago and there seems to be no relief in sight any time soon. It all started with my car leaking Coolant. Yes. Coolant. That sweet smelling stuff that animals used to like so long ago before animal protesters demanded that the formula be "animal friendly." The fact that no animals died around my house is sweet testament that the manufactures did change the formula. However alot of dead Shrews but I think that cats had much to do with that.

I was home bound until a couple of days ago. But, on top of my car, I lost my wallet. On top of my wallet my vacuum is no more Bad timing for this letdown because my animals decided to become flea friendly! Aw - man, I will never curse my enemies with fleas. We have spent close to $100.00 on anti-flea sprays and drops and there is no end in sight with this problem. No Vacuum is a major set back with my flea battle. On top of all the above I am sick with a cold that is more or less related to our A.C. running non-stop due to this very hot and sticky weather that we are having right now.

There are few highlights I need to point out just so I can say that the past 14 days have not been all that bad. Lets see. Because of no car, my children's books are over due. Because of no wallet means no driver licence - so I get to be with the other 60% of the Sooke population that is currently driving with out one. JOY. And Daycare, I found daycare.....for September. And I did take a couple days off from my run of bad luck to go camping. That was fun. And yes, I got photo's this time. I will up load some photo's later. Right now I need to scratch my flea bites and blow my nose.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Low Blow to Health Care....OverNight!

After graduating my course almost 3 weeks ago and waiting for my child to be more or less potty trained and have daycare found before I start my job hunt; I was very much shocked to read the paper today to find out that VIHA (Victoria Island Health Authority) is cutting jobs. For those of you who don't know what VIHA is - they are Vancouver Island largest hearth care provider. They run every thing from Day cares for children to Resident care for senors, not to mention our hospitals and clinics. They are no doubt the largest employer in heath care.

It almost seems like yesterday when our premier Gordon Campbell had promised that 5000 beds will be made to accommodate our aging population and with that promise there was a cry from our government for people to apply for jobs in heath care. Will I heard that cry, finished my course...........and what now? How many other people heard that cry, finished their courses and are where I am now.

After reading the article (above) I should also point out that it is not just Vancouver island that is being affected it is, more or less, the Provence of British Columbia.

Today is a sad for our health care system as we now it.

Monday, July 13, 2009

We are bored to tears.....

I had heard somewhere that television rots the mind. And for the most part, I can truly the see the logic in it. My son came home from school not to long ago before the start of Summer Vacation with a Contract that he was going to be out side for 2 or more hours a day and have one day out of the week that was to be a no T.V. day. Just a day to read books, do puzzles, open up the dusty toy box and play with some of the old toys that he hasn't touched in so long. But when that contract was signed, it was done so with the knowledge that we will have T.V., it was done so with knowledge that there will be other children to play with. It was done so with the knowledge that mom will have wheels to transport him to and from the swimming pool and where else a 9 1/2 needs to go.

Well we are into the third week of Summer Vacation and we have lost the T.V. (I refuse to pay for cable!) All of the friends have gone on holidays or gone to dad's or back to their mom's house. And worst of all I have no means of transportation. (My car decided to leek coolant everywhere I go and that is bad for the environment.) Just has he was getting used to mom (me) having my own car again - it falls apart and is out of commission until next week-end.

We are bored to tears. You never know what you had until it is gone. We are missing the T.V., We are missing the car and we are missing the friends. It is going to be a very, very, very long week.

Friday, July 10, 2009


Well it is official. Day Care is very hard to find. I knew it would be a long drawn out battle. But I never thought it would be this bad. The last time I had Daycare was with my son when he was four. That was 5 1/2 years ago, and all I had to do was walk in to any Daycare and register him up. That was it, it was done. But this time round, a different story. I was on the phone with a Daycare located in Langford and she would of been perfect. But there were a few of problems:

1. I would need to put my little one in Preschool on top of Daycare ($700.00 a month maybe more on my part. My daughter's Daycare would of paid for her child's Preschool!)

2. It was her doing the interview to see if my daughter was a good fit, not me doing the interview. (However, she was very happy to hear that I am from the Health and Human Service Industry. The second strongest industry here on the island other then Government that has not really been affected by this rescission.)

3. Her doors didn't open until 7:30 a.m. I need 6:00 am.

I have talked to many different daycare'a and it all seems the same. They are in the position to pick and choose what child they want. And if their are no spaces available, you are on a waiting list.

I will try again next week, but if I can't find anything out there, not even partime.... I would really, really need to rethink my gameplan.

As you can see, I am becoming frustaited with Daycare.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Hunt Continued


My head is swimming with phone numbers that I have called out to, numbers that someone has answered and numbers where I was greeted with an answering machine. I have piles and piles of paper with Daycare information scattered about my house. I am trying to keep my little system as neat and organized as possible. Meanwhile, my little devil has coloured on my wall, got into her brother's room and made a mess. Looking at the time it is 4:30 and I NEED TO MAKE SUPPER!!! Thank god tomorrow is Friday. Can't wait. Maybe Friday I will have some luck and find someone to interview in regards to my Daycare situation. (I heard somewhere that Fridays are the days that good things happen with hard work.)

[ OMG - Tomorrow is not Friday!! It is only Thurday!]

The Hunt Is On.,,,

I have started the hunt for Daycare. This is going to be a long and tedious hunt. But I am bound and determined to find reliable daycare before I start my other hunt for a job. Now that my little girl is somewhat able to put deposits into the "potty" I have just knocked down my daycare cost by $100.00.

I have a list of daycare provider's, and believe it or not, according to the resource centre where I got my list from; I am to expect most of them to be full and that I will be putting her on waiting lists. How right they are! I talked to 25 providers and they are full. I am expanding my hunt to Downtown Victoria. (45 min drive from where I live. But then that is where I will most likely be working.)

My graduation letter from the college has just come in from the post and my formal ceremony has been scheduled for early November. From what I understand this is a cap and gown event. What Fun!

Well, back to my Hunt. Please, wish me luck. I need it.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Week one of potty training

One week has already come and gone and so far so good with putting number 1 and number 2 where it belongs. So far we have established that it gross to put number 1 and number 2 in the pull up. We have established that doing number 1 one and number 2 on my grass is yukky. And we have discovered that the washroom's in Walmart, Costco and any other washroom other then our own and are big and scary places. Week 2 should be good with this new task for my daughter. Maybe week 3 we will start to wear big girl underwear. I can't wait. I am already seeing dollar signs with all the money that we will save for not having to buy diapers.$$$$$$$$$$$$.....

Friday, July 3, 2009

Lazy Summer Days.....

Even Though I am not much for the idea of Sun worshiping, I do love watching the children play and frolic in the Sun rays, all lathered up in sunscreen, playing hide and go seek in the trees behind my house. I hear the odd cry of "That's cheating," and a snicker under my living room window from the outside "She will never find us here." And when they all stop playing their game, all Rosy faced and tired. I know that this is the time of the day when the sun is at its hottest too take the posy of boys and a girl down to the river. It never fails to amaze me that when other children looking from the inside of their own houses looking out their windows to see a person with a big bag of towels heading toward the river trail; how fast they come and join my little posy. It never fails. Never. I Had 7 children in tow by the time I reached the beginning of the trail that leads to our little private beach.

I like watching them play their water games and rock games. I try to join in but when I do, I get strange looks from the children - A reminder that I am an adult, a person of authority and have no place in the games of children. So I sit on the rocks and watch them play. One the the games that the children like to play, a game that is more to torment the younger children; a game that I dub the "Mommy - Daddy" game. In this rock game the older children will find rocks of different sizes. A big one being "Daddy." a medium one being "Mommy" and a small one being "Baby." The child collecting those rocks would chant a little diddy saying to the younger children. "Here is Daddy. Here is Mommy. Here is Baby." He would then the throw the Rocks and say. "Here goes Daddy. Here goes Mommy. THERE GOES BABY!!!" The younger children would react by putting their hands over their faces in mock shock that the family of rocks are gone. How dare you hurt the family of Rocks! They would run off and try to save the lost family rocks that had been thrown.

Yes....These are lazy summer days, Days at the river, Days in the trees. A time for parents to create the magic of Summer. Hotdogs and Watermelon. Sunscreen and Sand.
Lazy Summer days.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Potty Trainning Blues.......

Now that I have all of this Free Time on my hands I have decided once again to teach my daughter the importance of Peeing in the potty. Today is day two of this challenge, and this time round things are going good. Better now that she has the idea of what to do.

The last time I started to train it didn't work out. I had time against me. It was Spring Break and as soon as I got to day five in my intense potty boot camp (with great results), it was made clear to me that when I was in school and at practicum she would be in the dreaded diaper. I lost all hope. If I was the only one doing the enforcing on the home front and then there was no point in training. I was very afraid of the mixed messages that this would give her.

I have lost friends over my choice to wait until after my course is done. Yes, you read right. I have lost friends. I was shunned and my daughter teased by adults - calling her a baby because she was still in a diaper. (Even after I explained why the training hasn't occurred.) I had my daycare lady tell me that her house was a diaper free house (because she had started to train her child) and had demanded that I do the same with my child. Needless to say my daughter returned to her with diapers. I stood my ground. I was not ready to train. I had no time to work with my daughter. And with great relief, I was so happy that my husband had lost his job for the last four weeks of my practicum.

But it is all over and I have what seems to be all the time in world to teach her how to use the potty. I can now lock my self up in the house for the next couple of weeks and work with my daughter. It really feels like a breath of fresh air has come over me. I am not sure what this feeling is, it just feels like relief from an uncomfortable situation.

Monday, June 29, 2009

It Truely is Monday today

I woke up this morning with the car gone and a cell phone left behind. I remember My other half saying something about needing the car first thing in the morning and being back before I had to leave to go pick up my letter of recommendation and my certificate from my last instructor for the course that I have just finished. The time 1500 hrs and still no sign of my car and to my dismay, I had to call my instructor on her cell stating that I cannot make it into town to meet with her to get my paperwork needed for future employment. I will now have to settle pacing in front of the mail box for the next 5 days or so until I have my paperwork in my hot little hands.

This disappearance of my car can mean one of two things: He got a job and starting working on the spot or he got into another car accident and is avoiding coming home. I am hoping for my first assumption and if that is the case then I am going to have to make him something good for supper. (if it happens to be my last assumption then that will be a different story all together!)

As for my course, I am proud to announce that it is all over. My last day was Friday, June 26. I am now a Certified RCA or as some of us in our class like to say " A Certified Professional Bum cleaner." There is nothing glamorous about what I will doing for next little while with my life and from my personal point of view with my profession is that the work is honourable. I have worked hard to make it this far. My Journey into health care is not over, now that I have this certificate more doors have just open to me. This is truely going to be a grand adventure. { added: My other half did get a job today and was not my last assumption. Thank my lucky stars.}

Sunday, June 21, 2009

A death in the family

I know that my last post was still under construction.......I had a lot of pics and videos that I wanted to share with everyone so you all have a better concept of what I will be doing with my life. But there has been a death in the family on my husband's side, not a parent but an older brother. Our phone is turned off, so please don't be offended if we don't pick up our phone , just in case you wanted to congratulate me for my first college deploma...just for the next 42 hours or so.


Saturday, June 20, 2009

I am sore all over!

I am glad that today is a week-end. I am glad that I can give my body a brake and heel my self of my many aches and pains. I am glad that I can give my brain some down time, to slowly digest all the new skills that I have learnt and some time to create my battle plan for next for my next lot of residents.

For my last practicum, the college has me working at a long term care hospital. This is a different set up from where I was for my last two practicum's which were actual nursing homes. The major difference between the two are pretty obvious. The hospital looks like a hospital inside and out. It has Long corridors and and nursing stations in the middle of every section. (Even has that hospital smell!) The residents are in ward rooms, just like in a regular hospital. The big difference that I have found is that my residetns that I have are not old in old sence of the word old. My yongest is 30-40 years old. I beleave that she was acutally 6 years older then I am.

(I will be back - still working on this post)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

6 Days and Counting..........

After reading my last post, I have come to the conclusion that the City of Victoria should of invested tax payers money for the portable toilets. When I was in visiting family in Russia 3 years ago, the city where my in-laws lived had the same problem. It was solved with portable restrooms. You could go to a popular park or an unclosed area behind a shopping mall or something or an other and for 10 rubles you could use the restroom. You would find a person in front of the restroom who was happy to take your money with smile, give you a handful of toilet paper and let you in. And from what I have noticed these little restroom areas were open 24 hours. When I was South Korea I had no problem finding public restrooms - but then I was a tourist. And was only in the country for 4 days.

On to other things here.....

For my family members out there......I have 6 days until my course is done. *Smiley face* I receive my Cirtifacate with my registration info for my new found profession on Monday. Next week I am working evening shifts at a long term hospital
in downtown, and this will be the last of my clinical hours. Last week of June I start to look for work and from the looks of things there id oodles of work out there for me........

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Of all the things that I could do....Here I am.

Today is Sunday, and a lazy one at that. I almost have the whole house to my self. One kid gone with a friend to a lake for boating and tubing. My real big kid (my husband) is off playing with wood, nails and hammers building a deck and my younger one is happily watching a Sponge Bob on t.v. and eating hot dogs (that is where she will be for the next 45 minutes or so.) So it seems that I have some semi-alone time. And of all the things that I could be doing with my semi-alone time - lets say I could be having a bath, or I could be a good wife/mother and clean house or out side poking at my plants; here I am typing about pretty well about nothing. Oh wait, can't say that because I do have something to Blog about.


In my younger years I loved to go out to the clubs. I would dance and drink and after the bars would close I would go to the closest food joint and have something to eat and then find a cab to take me home. But between the club and that fast food joint, I would need to pee. And after eating and before looking for that cab, I would need to pee. So why didn't I use the bathroom in the bar and at the food place? You see, I did, but one must understand that what goes in must come out. And if you drink allot and then allot is going to come out, and to be honest with you, when there is an urge, you must heed nature's calling. I would find closest semi - private alleyway and go behind a dumpster and well, do my thing. But it seems that I was not alone in the duck and pee mission, their a lot more others doing the same thing. And when the sun rose the next day, the city of Victoria was smelling like an urinal. Yes, the city had a pee-pee problem.

I no longer live in the proximity of Victoria, so I don't go to the clubs anymore (I take my chances here in Sooke and go to the closest tree. We have lots of those and I am sure the trees don't mind.) So when I heard about the city heavily considering Portable Urinals that would be put out during the night, well I was pretty happy. Then it hit me, and hit me hard. What are us women going to use as we stagger on the streets while looking for that bite to eat or that cab home. We pee as much as men do, don't we? So why is just urinals and why not the hole damn toilet? And who was going to flip the bill for the urinals. Why should a female tax payer pay for something that we would not be able to use? Right? I am so peeved.

I have just read in the paper that the "PORTABLE URINALS" are working and the city is know thinking about permanent structures in the downtown core. The city no longer smells like a Porta-Potty the next dayandthe cost per "man" peeing in the urinal works out the same cost as buying a drink. Or so the city claims. But we still have a problem of the lady's in their tiny black dresses ducking and peeing in the alleyway behind the dumpster. What is the city going to do for you? Well Girls....Pee long and pee hard. Go in two's and three's, hell why not, go in groups of ten or more. Squat and and do your thing. We deserve something to pee in to, don't we?

There you have it, my thoughts on the portable urnials for Victoria. What a Crock.

Friday, June 5, 2009

A Crazy Idea........

Times are hard. Period. Work is scarce if you are a construction worker. Food stuff is going up in price, and our dollar is almost at parody with the American dollar. So yes, these are hard times and in one way or another we are feeling effects of this rescission. So I guess it seems how we make it out at the end is what counts. Some of us will loose our homes, some of us will take advantage our extremely low interest rates and buy homes and others (a few) will never know that we were ever in a rescission. (Is that what we are still calling it?)

But we all have to make money one way or another. Today, My other half came up with a crazy idea. And it may just put a few bucks in our pockets. HE IS GOING TO PLAY THE KEYBOARD ON THE STREETS OF VICTORIA ON MARKET DAYS ON THE WATER FRONT. You read right! He is going to buy a permit and put all of that musical training and talent to use and make some money with it. So it will be interesting to see what happens with this little crazy idea........It won't bring much money but it will help.

(And just to think I was all doom and gloom this morning,duh)

Would we have to move?

When I was a small child I remember moving across the country, twice. From British Columbia to Ontario and then Back again. Once back in British Columbia it was moving to 3 different small towns in a period of 3 years (if my memory is correct). But before I was born I had heard talk through my older siblings that my parents where always moving, never ones to stay in the same spot for very long.

Could this be because they were looking for the work hot spots? Could it be that they became bored and needed change? Could it be because of Recessions? What other factors were involved? I really can't say, but I do believe the huge moves were Recession related. I don't really remember the 80's and the 90's - to busy being a kid, but here I am thinking about the realization that my family may have to move. We just had bad news today that is work related with my husband - the company that he was working for had just lost a huge contract. If that contract came through it would of meant that he would of been working again. But now as it seems, more good people will now be laid off.

This will be a month of uncertainty for us. I know that after I am done my course in 3 weeks I to will have to look for work, I know I will find a job in no time because my new skills are in high demand, but I would be starting casual and I would have to work my way up the ladder before I am in the door with permanent days and hours with what ever company that will take me. But would that be enough? I am really not sure not so sure anymore. It is almost like I had took my course one year to late.

I don't mean to put a damper on anyones day by bringing up the horrible "R" word. But this is where my thoughts are at the moment. Maybe I am in a small state of panic and things are only looking bleak right now in this moment. Maybe at the end of the day this thought of mine will disappear and go to the place where all bad thoughts go - never to be thought of again. (That would be nice.)

Bye - Bye Horrible thought!!!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Is Summer Here Yet?

O.K - Summer is here, I get it...

I am not one for the hot weather but here it is "weather" I like it or not.
The down fall of hot weather is as follow's:

1. I have to shave

I would rather keep my winter coat

2. I now have a womenly abligation to have a suntan or burn, whatever comes first

Can't blind peope with my very white legs

3. Must spend money that I don't have for electricity to keep my fans going

Thank-you B.C Hydro for your new system

4. The kids are going to want to go to the river or water park

I am toooooo tired on the weekdays to make thier water dreams come true

5. I now must go shopping for freezies and suntan lotion (and sunburn remendies)

More money to spend

6. Muggy nights

Makes me a cranky person

I'm to hot to think of anything else.

Yup, Summer is here

Monday, June 1, 2009

The Celestail Discharge.....My first one.....

I hope I got the spelling right...with "Celestial." But what I am saying is that today I had a resident die. A good death, A long life, a happy ending. Last week she was put on palliative care and was estimated that she would live for a week. That was last Wednesday. She had past on an hour before my shift started and I am sorry that I never got the chance to meet or care for her. From what I was told, she was very funny. But life must go on. I have many thoughts right now, but as a student in this field - this is an emotional hazard that I must over come. That is all I have to say right now.........

Thursday, May 28, 2009

My 3rd week of Clinical.......Hummmm

I have just finished my 3rd week of Clinical in my 2nd Practicum (as an RCA) and all I have to say so far about this new experience of mine is that every day so far has not been dull. The residents that I am working with are total care (I do every thing for them) and they all are in the middle to late middle stages of Dementia of various types. So far I have been kicked, pinched, hit, had my scrubs yanked at, been told that I am hated while performing A.M Care (and I don't blame them when they say they hate me, I would hate it to if I was being turned this way and that!) I am counting my lucky stars that I haven't had shoe thrown at me, yet, and I haven't been spit far. As a rule of thumb as I am learning is to always have two sets of work cloths on my person at all times while working.

But aside from the physical and some verbal abuse that I am enduring dealing with this people in Dementia, there is a lighter, even funny side to it all and these are things that I like to bring home with me at the end of the day and in a weird way it is what makes it all worth while.

Remembering back to my first Practicum I was working with an elderly lady. She was in the late first stage of her Dementia and was quite aware that something was not quite right in her world. She was charming and loved to tell stories about her childhood and as it turned out her and I had things in common. On my second week at this facility, I was running late and I did not have a chance to my first coffee in the morning. I was tired and couldn't wait for my coffee break. As I was counting down the minutes, I decided to sit with my elderly lady while she counted down the minutes for her lunch. We got talking and as we were talking, she stopped and looked at me and declared that I looked tired. I said I was and I looked over at her neighbour who was sleeping soundly in her wheel chair, I decided to tell her that I wish that I was able to take a nap. My elderly lady grabbed my hand, looked at me very seriously and told me that was not a good idea because that is when things go missing! (From the memory banks.) That really did put a smile on my face.

She was my first resident and I don't think that I will ever forget that moment.

Monday, May 18, 2009

A little rain is nice....

After a really hot day yesterday it is nice to have some rain today. Yesterday was a prelude of what is yet to come. We sat outside on the front lawn, we had the sand box converted as a wading pool for the little one and we stayed out the whole afternoon and sipped cooler and cider - just enjoying life.

Today I am really enjoying the rain. Not raining to hard, not raining to soft - but just right. And the Temperature is just right to, not to hot and not to cold. Perfect for sitting outside on the deck listening to rain on the roof and watching my flowers grow. However, no coolers and ciders today - we have a 4:30 a.m. start tomorrow.

Friday, May 15, 2009

On the mend.....

It has been a long couple of weeks with my friend the Cold Virus and a bothersome Bacteria that decided to squat in my ears. I visited my doctor and was given an eviction notice for the Bacteria and with great excitement the Bacteria has moved on. So now it is just me and my friend the Cold Virus. I will most likely be sick for the next couple of weeks, but I have great hopes that my friend will find an other host to visit - soon.

I have just finished my first week of my second clinical placement working with complex care residents. And "Oh Boy" I see why care facilities have a hard time finding good care workers to look after these poor souls. Some of them are very Demented. It really takes a spacial person to do this job. I have been given my first two residents to look after so my work load is light. Next week I am to look after two residents and find my third to do. At the end of week five my goal is to have five complex care residents.

And Super Turtle if your out there I am no longer an Enema virgin.....I gave my first Enema yesterday with great results!!! Not that the world really needed to know that.


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mothers Day...

Wow, It's Mothers Day

Happy Mother's Day Mom....
I will call you in a couple of days when my hearing is better. (ear infection in both ears)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Friday - last day of classes......

Classes must be coming to an end when teachers are wanting to get photo's of their classes. This particular teacher said that this class photo was special because we were her first 3 term class. Kinda makes me feel fuzzy inside. Yesterday was my skill check test - and yes I past, no classes until Friday (Exam Day). After that it is all Clinical. If you look close, I am the one wearing the purple gown with the leg bag on. Don't ask.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Open Season for Campers and Drivers on the way to Sooke Pot Holes....

Yup, it be that time of year again where I will see an influx of camper's, teen drivers and roll overs on my way to and from work, school and personal shopping on my road that I live on. With the weather warming up and Softball season opening and not to mention our biggest attraction that we have at the end of the road: The Sooke Pot Holes. A very popular place for teens and other weather fanatics and not to mention camper's. It is also a place where the R.C.M.P love to conduct Roadblocks for Drinking and Driving, Seatbuilt checks and Safety checks.

So Drivers beware. Make sure you have your papers handy and no forgotten Drivers licences - happened to me and other's that I know (and I live here!)....just driving to the corner store for cigarettes - why bring the wallet, right?

This blog entree is for people who are googling The Sooke Pot Holes and have come across my Blog. The PotHoles are somewhat over populated on the week-ends. But a very nice place to visit.

So here is some Road Block tips.

Nice weather - expect a Road Block and a delay of 20-30 minutes!! Yes it is that busy on our small road in the summer. Arrive early and if you are going to drink, please don't drive and have no open beers in the car (THEY LOVE THAT). Have everything ready to hand over to the R.C.M.P to make the flow faster for us all.

I have seen alot of accidents (a bad one not less then 100m from where I live not to long ago) on this road; alot of very sharp corners and the road gets very narrow towards the end when you start to get close the Pot Holes - Slowdown and watch out for people crossing the road. Have a good time.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

My Course Is At An End; So Sad

Here I am sitting at the computer thinking about the fact that I only have one week of college left and the remainder of my course is all Clinical as Practicum’s are called my line of schooling – 7 weeks of Clinical to do and I graduate with my first college certificate. I’m I patting my self on the Back, you bet I am!

Thinking about the past seven months it is hard to believe that I am at the end of my course; thinking about all the new knowledge that I have swimming in my head. And wondering how much of it that I will be using once I am out in the work force. For those of you how don’t know me, I am studying the art of resident care both in the home and in the facilities. I am a HSRCA: Home Support Resident Care Attendant. I am not a nurse, but a Nurses Aid. Some of you will think of me as a nurse if you didn’t know better. But I am not; but I will maintain my own practice just as a Nurse would. My knowledge base is not as complex as a LPN or an RN: but enough understanding to provide good care with empathy regardless what someone’s condition would be - I am the laborer in the Health Care setting – when it comes to care.

Someone had once told me that Nurses and doctor’s have a twisted sense of humor and you know what, it’s true. You have to be somewhat twisted to poke people with needles, to examine feces and look at urine. Clean bums and so on and so forth. I didn’t realize just how twisted conversations with my friends are to the person looking in from the out side until yesterday when a bunch of us were talking about a new laser therapy for Fungus Removal; and then the conversation goes into the types of fungus we have seen so far in our previous clinical. You know the conversations are quite bad if you can make other people leave tables with their food left behind. Needless to say, I am not allowed to talk about School at home at the dinner table.

So far to date I have a seminar on Palliative Care I must attend in two weeks because what I have learned has already been changed (I must maintain my practice – things change so fast in heath care) and in June the college is hosting a heath care job fair. I have to take my Med’s Course in July or August. This is going to be a never ending practice for me and I am very happy. I am strongly considering doing my LPN in the next year and a half. And who knows maybe when I am 40, I will do my degree in Nursing. Who knows what the future will bring for me.

[ I already had my fist job offer and I don't have my certifacate yet! P.S. family members, I will be making just as much as my husband]

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Strawberries! Where are my Berries - Please?

It's that time of year again when all the people with Green - Thumbs jump up and down with glee and run to there sheds and gather all the tools they need to jump start the growing season. However, for the rest of us, who were not blessed with the green thumb, will take the time to find a fence, stand in front of it and bang our heads against it and mutter "Here we go again!"

I am the person in front of the fence - not banging my head - but shaking it with my hands and screaming at it with all I have - demanding Why my Strawberries are NOT growing for the third year in a row. What am I doing wrong?

I bought Everberring Strawberries from Walmart three years ago in a box with 20 plants. On the box were instructions that only said put the plants in water for a couple of hours and then plant. How easy was that! I planted them in my back yard and more of less forgot about them. (New baby in the house.) The following spring I discovered that 7 plants survived the winter. I planted them and placed them in planters in front of my house and let the "Runners" run loose. (I thought that they looked kind of neat like that.) However, this year I wouldn't mind some Strawberries from them. I am planning on putting them in front of the house in the ground, clip the runners and make the plants produce Strawberries. But it was not less then two weeks ago that I was talking to one of my neighbors about my strawberries when he told me that my plants should of been making Strawberries regardless of where they where located and the runner's running loose. "It's a weed - it grows anywhere and everywhere. Are you sure you bought the eatable kind?" I am very sure I bought the Everberring verity.

So mom if your out there or anyone else - I need help with my Strawberries!!!! What can I do to make them produce a berry or should I give up.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Yesterday Was Earth Day

Yesterday was Earth Day, so they say on the television. One day out of 365 days a year dedicated to think about the Earth and all the harm we have done it. A day to listen to our experts on ways that we can reduce, reuse,and recycle to prevent waste in the landfill - ways to bring down our carbon footprint. A day to go shopping and get a free reusable bag from the store. A reminder that composting is good and dumbing old refrigerators in the forest is bad.

But because it was Earth Day yesterday and I didn't celebrate it with everyone else, I am going to today. So, here is my 2 cents on the subject. "Stop buying crap at the store people." Think about it, we live in a society that depends on meals in a can. We have forgotten how to cook. If we make our own soup from scratch that is one less soup can in the dump. Support your local farmer!! Don't by your veggies from a store that buys its veggies from an other province or Country - think of all the fuel that was needed to bring them to a store near you. Stop buying coffee in a paper cup - supply your own mug for a cup of Joe. Bike, walk, Run - whatever- get your butt out of the car seat and walk to your mailbox. I am sure your your planet would thank you for it.

There you have it, my 2 cents on Earthday.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Can today be any longer!

There is nothing worse then a sick child. There is nothing worse then a sick child and having to work a Practicum in the evening! There is nothing worse then a sick child, working a Practicum and being sleep deprived!!

My Day started very early in the morning around 1:30 AM with a very sick child. She had a fever hovering at the 39.0 mark on the thermometer. Stayed up with her for a couple of hours - don't remember falling asleep. I woke up to the wonderful, ear piercing sound of my husband voice stating coffee is made. I beg for an extra half hour sleep, I must of got my extra half hour because the alarm went off at 6:30 A.M. Felt my Daughter's forehead, still feverish. I have been up ever since (and same with my doughtier) negotiating my practicum hours from mornings to evenings with the college and the group home. What a head ache. My day won't end until 11:00 pm. So I can say to you: Can this Day get any Longer!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hummm.. Free things to do...

So far this economy is really getting to me. DM has gone through 2 jobs after Christmas and with each new job a pay decrease. Work is hard to find if you are in the Construction zone. We have many friends who were layed off work last year and have not been able find work this year. Needless to say, EI's are running out for most of them. These are tough times. And I really can't help but notice that prices on food and other things are going up. My course will not be finish until the end of June and through out the Summer, I will be working on an on call bases until I can get my foot in the door in the health care sector. So as one can see my summer with my children will not be a good one. All the things that we like do....Camping is a big one....the swimming pool.....Big Juicy Steaks on the B.B.Q......out the door, anything that is going to cost money - gone.

But I am a trooper, And I am now on the look out for FREE things to do with my children (Or under $20.00 for a family of four) that will be fun for the whole family. And for this task, School News Letters are a blessing. Full of wonderful tips and idea's. And one idea has really stuck out.

"LAW DAY" at the Victoria Court House "Free Event." What a wonderful place to spend a lazy Saturday. But they promise, Sheriff's tours, a Scavenger hunt of the Courthouse,A Fairytale Trail (not a clue what that is), and best for last...A Demonstration by the Victoria Police and their Dogs!!! and much more. And did I say "FREE."

Monday, April 13, 2009

Some Clips for school about Animal Therapy

It is incredible that our animals can do so much for us. They make us laugh and they can heal us. They make us feel loved no matter who and what we are. We can be poor and sick and we can be rich and healthy and an animal wouldn't care. They give us their unconditional love. But we must love the people who share their animals with those who need their love the most.

Here are some clips that I have found. Enjoy

Has it been that long?

Time really does fly when you have fun.

It seems like yesterday since I made a post and I am quite surprised to see that BLOGGER hasn't eleminated my little Corner in Cyber Space. I was actually expecting to create a whole new profile for my self. But it looks like all I have to do is some spring cleaning and I am good to go in Blogger land!!