This entry is more for me then anything else. Last week was a horrible week. Things had happened to people that are to private to talk about. So those things I won't talk about. But what I will talk about is the powerful thing we call Communication. What is Communication? How communication was explained to me from a learning point of view is this. There is a A Sender, A Reciever and A Message. There is a Context and then the Environment of where communication took place. The Context referes to the situation at the time of the communication taking place and the Environment refers to where the the communication was taking place. One other thing to take into consideration is the feedback from the Recivier to the Sender of the communication. Now the message can be anything from from two people talking about the good time they had other day over beers going over the highlights of the day. Or the communication can be in the form of Gossiping or Slander - a part of Defamation: any statement about another person that is untrue and that causes or is designed to cause an injury to the persons good name. Libel/Slander fall under Defamation. Libel is the printed form of communication by means of print, writing or pictures. Slander is the cummunication spoken by word.
Now for typing the above, there is a quote from Martin Luther King that comes to mind.
"People don't get along because they fear each other. People fear each other because they don't know each other. They Don't know each other because they have not properly communicatied with each other."
Is he saying the the lack of communication is the problem? I think so.
Know it would be hard to beleave that communication has prisciples. But it does and they are very simple.
1. It is truley impossible not to comunicate. 10% of our communication is only spoken. The other 90% is our body language and tone of vioce.
2. It is meant to happen or totally unexpected. Sometimes our words are spoken with care and other times we had lost our tempers and said words that came out wrong or wished you never said.
3. It is irreversible. No matter what had happen with our communcation we can never take back the words or the deeds that have been done.
4. It is unrepeatable. The "Same" words and "Behavior" are different each time. No communication can be repeated the same way twice. Our body langage, our tone of vioce, the context and the envornment and the message are a very uniqe thing.
Communication is a very powerful thing. We can do a lot harm or we can do a lot of good with it. There are Two more elements to communication and they are the Barriers or Communicaiton Blockers and Perseptions. But I will not get into those.
Like I said, this entry is more for me then anyone else. At the end of the day it is a matter of "owning our communication and every thing that came with it."
Know I feel better.
RIP Thomasso
2 years ago
If you want to go further into the realm of communication and become more affective at it, then I highly recommend you read this, “Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life,” by Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D. 2005. He covers everything you just talked about, and he goes right into improving your listing and speaking skills. But most important, how to listen and how to talk. I use this in it my trade as a tool for dealing with conflict resolution between parties—it has become a very important tool for me. But it is a life tool that everyone needs. It's written in laymen's terms, not a academic textbook by any means.
Now I must get back to my chaos. One more exam to go...........
Hi Tom.... You are right. I have chosen not write about the importance of listening in my blog entry. (not enough time.) I have done a crash course in pro-active communication and active listening for the course I have took at the college. But thanks for the book info. I will look into it. Did you talk to Mom?
What do you think of my spelling mistakes!!! I was upset when I wrote that entry so no jibes please. Thank you in advance. Your sister.
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