Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hummm.. Free things to do...

So far this economy is really getting to me. DM has gone through 2 jobs after Christmas and with each new job a pay decrease. Work is hard to find if you are in the Construction zone. We have many friends who were layed off work last year and have not been able find work this year. Needless to say, EI's are running out for most of them. These are tough times. And I really can't help but notice that prices on food and other things are going up. My course will not be finish until the end of June and through out the Summer, I will be working on an on call bases until I can get my foot in the door in the health care sector. So as one can see my summer with my children will not be a good one. All the things that we like do....Camping is a big one....the swimming pool.....Big Juicy Steaks on the B.B.Q......out the door, anything that is going to cost money - gone.

But I am a trooper, And I am now on the look out for FREE things to do with my children (Or under $20.00 for a family of four) that will be fun for the whole family. And for this task, School News Letters are a blessing. Full of wonderful tips and idea's. And one idea has really stuck out.

"LAW DAY" at the Victoria Court House "Free Event." What a wonderful place to spend a lazy Saturday. But they promise, Sheriff's tours, a Scavenger hunt of the Courthouse,A Fairytale Trail (not a clue what that is), and best for last...A Demonstration by the Victoria Police and their Dogs!!! and much more. And did I say "FREE."


Thomasso said...

Hey, that sound like fun.... Maybe they, the RCMP, will offer free arrests? That would be cool! *smerk*

Just to let you know that just wrote my last exam for this semester, so in about 4 hours (2:00pm) I'll be free for a couple of weeks. Sorry, too broke to travel with me being laid-off to. Its a tough and cruel world--hopefully it will get better--soon!

JM said...

Yup..things are tight for everyone, anyways just let you know it is Paula's B-Day today, She is now 3 years old and I have to go to school tonight. Law Day will be fun. Doing Paula's B Day Party that day to, so Law Day and Hotdogs and cake (with presents) Should make her very tired.

Have a fun 2 weeks off. Sorry to hear about your job.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Paula ,Just Think Of The Fun Stuff To Come. Best Wishes. Superturtle,Dean