Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Low Blow to Health Care....OverNight!

After graduating my course almost 3 weeks ago and waiting for my child to be more or less potty trained and have daycare found before I start my job hunt; I was very much shocked to read the paper today to find out that VIHA (Victoria Island Health Authority) is cutting jobs. For those of you who don't know what VIHA is - they are Vancouver Island largest hearth care provider. They run every thing from Day cares for children to Resident care for senors, not to mention our hospitals and clinics. They are no doubt the largest employer in heath care.

It almost seems like yesterday when our premier Gordon Campbell had promised that 5000 beds will be made to accommodate our aging population and with that promise there was a cry from our government for people to apply for jobs in heath care. Will I heard that cry, finished my course...........and what now? How many other people heard that cry, finished their courses and are where I am now.

After reading the article (above) I should also point out that it is not just Vancouver island that is being affected it is, more or less, the Provence of British Columbia.

Today is a sad for our health care system as we now it.


Thomasso said...

No job yet, huh?

Hang in there, I'm sure it will turn around very soon becuase there's a growing demand for care. That's not going to stop.

Thomasso said...

NO news?

Are the kids going into daycare yet?

Did you get your dream job?

Is your husband working too?

Blog, blog, blog...., you know you wanna!