Friday, August 21, 2009

Last week of Summer.

Summer is slowly coming to an end. The days are shorter, the ambiance of the sun no longer feels like a summer sun, but more of an autumn sun and some of the trees are trying change colour. My Shasta daisy’s are done flowering and have already dropped their seeds and my Snow peas are no longer eatable because they are now producing seeds of their own. But I am happy to say that my Petunia’s are still going strong and the same with my other perennials that I still have not identified - they came with the lot that we rent.

Walmart, Costco and other department stores are overflowing with back to school necessities marking that anticipated time of the year is coming soon when the children go back to school. It is time to dig deep in my wallet and pull out a hundred in school supplies and dig even deeper for an additional hundred and fifty for school bus transportation. It is hard to believe that last year this service was for only Sixty dollars and this year the cost of a seat on the school bus has gone up so much. Yikes.

I remember when I was a child I secretly learned to hate my birthday - End of August - because it meant summer was over and it was back to school. And now I don’t like my birthday because it means that I am another year older. I am glad that retirement is no longer mandatory in Canada.

It is time to think about gathering firewood for the wood stove, to think about storing our summer paraphernalia and dig out the warm slippers and decorate my sofas with my warm synthetic blankets. Time to get back to my family post summer schedule; can’t wait.


Anonymous said...

Do You Want To Work Forever?Superturtle

JM said...

The way things are going with our economy, it is starting to look that way.