Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Back to School


Thomasso said...

All of you, or just the ankle biters?

JM said...

Just the one ankle biter for now.

JM said...


I am thinking about starting an off shore back account. Can you help?

Thomasso said...

I could, but I would tell you first not to waste your time and money. The best advice I would recommend is for you to switch to cash, and keep it that way, especially someone in your situation. If you are trying to get back on your feet, you need to save as much as you can: That means seriously limiting your dependencies from the Banks, or cut your usage altogether with them. You basically will have full control over your cash, and that takes huge discipline and willpower to properly manage. As for making money through interest on your savings--forget it, the government considers that income, and as such, you owe taxes on that. The amount of money that you would save would not be worth the effort of opening an offshore account. Remember this: "The less hands your money passes through, the more of it you get to keep."