Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I heard of places like this.......

Last night was my first night being paid as a RCA (Resident Care Aid). However, I can see some problems with this job. My Pay. The average pay of a Certified RCA should fall in the 19.00 - 21.00 catogory. I have heard of some places where the RCA's make more then LPN's wich is over 25.00 an hour. I have also heard of places where RCA's make much less. I found a care home that pays well below the average.

But thier are some pro's and con's here. The more money you make, the more skill sets you need to perform. The less money you make certian skill sets are left to the nurses. At this care home I don't perform bowel care and I don't perform urinery care. I provide just provide the basic care that, really anyone can do.

So do I see my self at this place for long peroid of time. No. But I will use this place as a stepping stone to build my resume. I can see my self being here for four months. So yes I will be sending out an other batch of resume's soon. Maybe next week.


Anonymous said...

A Job Is A Good Thing ,Time Spend On A Job Is Good Down The Road. Don;t Rush Into Changes Too Soon Dean

Thomasso said...

Happy B'day sis!

Oh my lordy she gett'n closer to forty! I'll call soon. Hang in there.