Thursday, August 14, 2008

Husband approved

I have great news regarding my career choice. My husband approved; however with one condition – must take the course AS SOON AS POSABLE!!!!

At his work site (commercial renovation/construction) he is estimating that he has about 6 months guaranteed work left before the work is completed, then after that there is the possibility of going back to the previous employer for less money. So if I want this course then I need to act now.

Now to clarify on what I would be doing is exactly this, I am planning to become a Resident Care Attendant. I am planning on taking the course part-time for 8 months. (Full time would be 6 months – not much difference time wise, same with tuition cost)
After getting the HS/RCA certificate and getting into the workplace, I would have more options open to me within the heath sector.

The course starts in October 2008 and ends June 2009, Before October, however, I need to get my Food Safe Level One Certificate, Current Standard First Aid and Level B and C CPR, so right now I am scrambling to find these courses. But good news from the college, for $150.00 plus the one time registration fee I would get my seat.

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