Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Potty Trainning Blues.......

Now that I have all of this Free Time on my hands I have decided once again to teach my daughter the importance of Peeing in the potty. Today is day two of this challenge, and this time round things are going good. Better now that she has the idea of what to do.

The last time I started to train it didn't work out. I had time against me. It was Spring Break and as soon as I got to day five in my intense potty boot camp (with great results), it was made clear to me that when I was in school and at practicum she would be in the dreaded diaper. I lost all hope. If I was the only one doing the enforcing on the home front and then there was no point in training. I was very afraid of the mixed messages that this would give her.

I have lost friends over my choice to wait until after my course is done. Yes, you read right. I have lost friends. I was shunned and my daughter teased by adults - calling her a baby because she was still in a diaper. (Even after I explained why the training hasn't occurred.) I had my daycare lady tell me that her house was a diaper free house (because she had started to train her child) and had demanded that I do the same with my child. Needless to say my daughter returned to her with diapers. I stood my ground. I was not ready to train. I had no time to work with my daughter. And with great relief, I was so happy that my husband had lost his job for the last four weeks of my practicum.

But it is all over and I have what seems to be all the time in world to teach her how to use the potty. I can now lock my self up in the house for the next couple of weeks and work with my daughter. It really feels like a breath of fresh air has come over me. I am not sure what this feeling is, it just feels like relief from an uncomfortable situation.


Thomasso said...

no, no, you mean, "once potty training is over..., then I can breath some fresh air."

Anyhow, hope it goes smooth for you. The porcelain throne is a big place for a two year old.

JM said...

No, you read right. I am just happy to have my self out of that situation. It was starting to get toxic.

Thomasso said...

Heh heh, now with a equal ratio of Male to Female in the house, I guess the toilet seat rule starts to kick in now, eh? Looks like you a whole bunch of potty training to do!


Sorry, feel evil today for some reason? Sorry guys.