Thursday, October 9, 2008

Baby Formula

5 days a week I wake up before my son, put his cloths for the day into the dryer to warm them up for him, make him a warm breakfast, make a warm lunch and send him off to school on the school bus. After he is gone, I make my self an extra strong Americano and enjoy my first cigarette of the day. (I know, nasty habit) After that I sit down on the couch, pick up my laptop and read my news on the Time’s Colonist web site. After I read the news I make another Americano and reflect about what I have read.

For the Past month and a little bit I have been keeping my eye on the milk products recall in China, waiting for the recall to effect Canada. And sure enough a recall took place yesterday. And all I can do is shake my head in wonder that anything like this could ever happened. For all of you who don’t know what has happened, China’s baby formula makers have been adding Melamine, a harmful substance that had killed 5 babies, and made thousands of other children sick with kidney ailments. And from what I understand this has been going on for a very long time until somebody noticed that it was the baby’s formula that was making them sick. As the Chinese officials investigated further into the matter, they found Melamine was added into chocolate products and imported around the world.

Two years ago my family had traveled to Far East Russia to visit family who lives a half hour away from the Chinese Border. My Son at the time was going into grade two and my daughter was 4 ½ months old. Because I made the choice on not breast feeding for the trip; my daughter was depended on formula. One of the things that we looked into was bringing our own formula or buying formula for her in Russia. If we bought formula in Russia we would have a lot of room in our luggage for other personal belongings. We made the phone call to Russia and asked about the Baby formula and were told that to bring our own. We did. Later we had learned that the babies in Far East Russia were becoming sick and the local people were looking at China. There was a rumor that there was counterfeit formula being imported into Russia from China. So as you can see this story hits home to me, because my daughter could have consumed Melamine in Russia if we never bothered to call Russia. The sad thing is this had taken more then two years for this come into the open. Our family members and friends who live in Far East Russia were right. It was the Baby formula.

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