Friday, October 31, 2008

It is Halloween!!!!!!!!!

“Trick or Treat, give me something sweet to eat
Not to big, not to small
Just the size of Montreal”

I love Halloween; I have been Trick or Treating as far as long as I can remember. I don’t even think I have missed a year of trick or treating for as long as I have been old enough to go out on my own. I have been fairies, garbage bags, dressed up as man quite a few times. Come to think of it, I have been a pillow once or maybe twice. I have been that 15 year old that showed up on the door step saying “My sister is sick; I am Trick-or Treating for her.” Got a lot of looks for that one and a couple of “You are so sweet for doing that for you sister, here, have some candy for you too!” And then my friends started having babies – my lowest point ever with this chocolate crazy event, yes, I have borrowed other people’s children for my own greed. And then I had my own children…….Life is sweet as chocolate.

This Halloween will be the first Halloween that I can ever remember missing and yes this makes me very sad. I don’t eat chocolate that much any more, but I love watching the children go door to door, and I have been that person who gives out the candy a couple of times and to tell you right now I do make them sing and dance for the sugary treat. I am passing the torch on the father of my children for this one and only time. To make sure the kids are worn out and gobble up as much candy as they can before going to bed. Yes he would also need to enforce the five minute scrub of the teeth. And he would need to follow my number one rule of Trick or Treating, “Always check the candy before giving the candy to the kids”. It is a good thing that my friend is going with him for he would most likely be needed to be reminded about that rule. After all Halloween has and will always be my department. Russians don’t do Halloween.

It has been a while scince Halloween has fallen on Friday, so their are going to be a lot of drunk people out there goofing off and being idiots (as my brother likes to say) and a lot of them will be behind the wheel. I will be driving two hours tonight and I don’t drink and drive, I am totally against this. So for all of you out their celebrating the night we get to dress up and be somebody or something else – please, for the safety of our children and the safety for the rest of us who can’t celebrate because of classes and other obligations. Don’t Drink and Drive!!! It would mean a lot to rest of us that we all be safe on the roads tonight.

Have a safe Halloween.

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