Saturday, October 4, 2008

Still Waiting For The Wood Guy

Look at me two postings in one day....

I am still waiting for the wood guy to come and give us wood and take our money. So needless to say I am quite bored at the moment. So to occupy my spare time, I decided that I am going to play with my blog and look what I discovered I could do. I found a bunch of free templates on the Internet. I came across some Halloween backgrounds that I wouldn't mind trying out. So don't be sirprised if my blog changes quite abit in the next 3 1/2 weeks.

see ya


Anonymous said...

Here's one...

How much wood could a woodchuck, chuck,
if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

I like the Halloween motif. I should "spooky-up" mine....

You are really having lots of fun with blogging. It's good to see you so active on line.

26 more days! Tirck or Treat!

JM said...

She sells sea shells by the sea shore! Don't you have a B-day comming up? Peter piper picked a pickle....

Anonymous said...


JM said...

To get that date out of you will be like pulling a tooth! Any ways, "Happy Birthday." I have a gut feeling that it would be today? tomorrow? The day after? God I'm bad with dates!

Anonymous said...

Why not just ask Mom! She'll spill...